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  1. GalinHdz

    Erratic readings on EGT when push to talk keyed

    There is nothing you can do in the field to fix this problem. Contact Dynon customer support. They will give you an RMA to send it back and get it fixed. I had the same issue and after sending it back it works perfectly. They are very quick at fixing it minimizing aircraft down time. But if the...
  2. GalinHdz

    Problems with version 6 upgrade

    I had the same problem. Instead of using the "Upgrade to version 6" prompt that 1st shows up I went to the load file section (Upgrade System Software) at the bottom of the 1st page, selected the individual file and loaded it. This worked just fine. I had to do it this way for both screens. 8-)
  3. GalinHdz

    Transponder antenna splitter?

    This is not a good idea. Transponder antennas are cheap compared to the price of a transponder. The possibility of destroying both transponders at the same time by using one antenna far outweighs any perceived benefit. My two cents. 8-)
  4. GalinHdz

    CO Monitor

    I have the Guardian Avionics 353 ( monitor. I connected the CO2 alert contact output (pin 4) to a SKYVIEW general purpose input pin. I configured the EMS to displays a red alert on the EMS page if the CO2 Guardian gives an alarm indication. When I...
  5. GalinHdz

    No ADSB data on display #2

    I ran out to the hangar and it was exactly as you said. I had the traffic off on Display #2. I turned it on and everything worked. THANKS! 8-)
  6. GalinHdz

    No ADSB data on display #2

    OK, I will check this next time I get to the hangar, probably on Saturday. 8-)
  7. GalinHdz

    No ADSB data on display #2

    Did it today. Display 2 shows DYNON ADSB on serial port 3 and it even shows that data is being received on the line. :-/
  8. GalinHdz

    No ADSB data on display #2

    Now, display #2 (the one not showing ADSB data) just came back from DYNON after being repaired for the circuit board problem. I wonder if this has anything to do with it?  :-/
  9. GalinHdz

    No ADSB data on display #2

    Yes, both are connected in parallel. :-/
  10. GalinHdz

    No ADSB data on display #2

    During today's flight I noticed that there was no ADSB data on the co-pilot display. Nothing (traffic nor weather) was showing up on the co-pilot side display MAP or PFD page while the pilot side display had everything. Both displays are connected to the DYNON network and to each other via the...
  11. GalinHdz

    Dynon Start-up?

    I like this idea. Boot the display up using the battery then turn the master switch on. It checks the battery and prevents the boot problem. I will do this until DYNON kills this particular bug. 8-)
  12. GalinHdz

    (Rare) "Cross-check Attitude"

    I too have the same issue once in a while and like the OP I have a G430W, an SV-GPS-250 with a single ADAHRS. This makes total sense.   8-)
  13. GalinHdz

    Dynon Start-up?

    I have this same issue with my 7" Skyview. I will use the 1,2 and 5 buttons in the mean time. 8-)
  14. GalinHdz

    Transponder code reset

    Houston Hobby (KHOU) is one of these airports and it has a GA fly-in the 3rd Saturday of every month. The 3rd Saturday in August normally focuses on experimental aircraft. 8-)
  15. GalinHdz

    What else is required to be IFR legal

    But breaking out at MDA/DH is very different to breaking out before reaching MVA which would be the vast majority of the situations in your example.  8-) At least we agree that "Legal and smart are not synonymous".  ;)
  16. GalinHdz

    What else is required to be IFR legal

    But breaking out at MDA/DH is very different to breaking out before reaching MVA which would be the vast majority of the situations in your example.  8-) BTW Atlantic City would be a poor (but legal) alternate to Boca Raton. At least we agree that "Legal and smart are not synonymous".  ;)
  17. GalinHdz

    Voice alert volume lower than AOA beep volume

    Have you connected the Skyview audio in parallel with the other audio sources? If so then the Skyview audio will be very low compared to the others. Don't ask how I know this. But it still doesn't explain why the AOA from the Skyview seems OK.  8-)
  18. GalinHdz

    What else is required to be IFR legal

    No PAR approaches anymore so you don't. ATC brings you down in altitude and you better break out of the soup before you reach the MVA so you can approach visually. Just pray you break out somewhere before you run out of fuel. Like I said, it is legal but not smart.  8-)
  19. GalinHdz

    What else is required to be IFR legal

    It might be legal but it isn't smart. Loose your comm or if ATC radar breaks down you will be SOL in the soup. IFR rules are designed to keep you safe under simple common equipment failures.  8-)
  20. GalinHdz

    Skyview Display Screen Protector

    Good to know. THANKS! 8-)