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  1. GalinHdz

    Skyview Display Screen Protector

    Do you recommend putting a screen protection film on the Skyview display and if so which ones are a good choice? 8-)
  2. GalinHdz

    What else is required to be IFR legal

    VERY well put. 8-)
  3. GalinHdz

    What else is required to be IFR legal

    True. You are not using the GPS for navigation but for "situation awareness". The controller is doing the navigation for you and has assumed that responsibility in this situation. This is routine in some areas and impossible to get in other areas. 8-)
  4. GalinHdz

    Bahamas database

    Nice to know. How far down did you go where the database covered? 8-)
  5. GalinHdz

    SL 40 to Skyview

    We don't fly with multiple engines/pilots/circuits but some do. Triple redundancy is not uncommon in aviation. Redundancy is a design trade off between required and available. So OK, FREE redundancy is not a bad thing.  ;) Adding maybe 1/2oz on a 2500lb aircraft is about a 0.0000125% increase...
  6. GalinHdz

    What else is required to be IFR legal

    Here is a link to FAR 91.205(d). The Skyview provides most of the required equipment except (d)(2) "Two-way radio communication and navigation equipment suitable...
  7. GalinHdz

    SL 40 to Skyview

    That is what I thought. Hey, it was available, free and easy to connect so I did it. "There is no such thing as excessive redundancy".  8-)
  8. GalinHdz

    SL 40 to Skyview

    I am getting everything (HSI) on my Skyview but I am not sure what G430 data is being received via ARINC vs Serial. If I loose my SV-GPS and AERA the G430 data should run my Skyview.  8-)
  9. GalinHdz

    SL 40 to Skyview

    It was available and easy to do. No such thing as excessive redundancy. 8-)
  10. GalinHdz

    SL 40 to Skyview

    Oops, overlooked that "minor" detail.  8-)
  11. GalinHdz

    SL 40 to Skyview

    I forgot to mention the G430 is also connected via ARINC. Maybe I should just use that connection and free up one port. Will Skyview V6 also push data to a G430/530 like it will to an SL30/40? 8-)
  12. GalinHdz

    SL 40 to Skyview

    GREAT, but I am out of serial ports. 1-Aera 2-SV-Xponder 3-SV-ADSB 4-G430W 5-SV-GPS 8-)
  13. GalinHdz

    IAS too high

    I could not get the link to work but found this one that worked.  8-)
  14. GalinHdz


    YES!!! This will make verifying which source is being used so much faster with less margin for error. 8-)
  15. GalinHdz

    IFR charts / Approach Plates

    How about having the option to display either an IFR chart or Approach plate on the Map page instead of the "VFR" map currently available. 8-)
  16. GalinHdz

    on screen timer/stop watch

    Man this is a great idea. A stopwatch/timer controlled by either a screen or remote button. 8-)
  17. GalinHdz

    My way of using dual Skyview displays.

    FWIW: Here is how I use my dual display Skyview with EMS, ARINC-429 and ADSB. 1 - Set up the Pilot display with PFD and Map page (50/50) 2 - Set up the Co-Pilot display with PFD and EMS page (50/50) Before engine start, press the SWAP button so the Pilot display has PFD and EMS pages (50/50)...
  18. GalinHdz

    Garmin 430 OBS Question

    Sounds like yours is working correctly but mine doesn't do it. 8-)
  19. GalinHdz

    Garmin 430 OBS Question

    THANKS! Mine does not do it with the Skyview but it did with the GI-106. However everything (VOR/ILS/LOC/GS) is working properly, as verified in flight, so I don't know what is going on.  8-)
  20. GalinHdz


    I just had to post a picture of my new Skyview instrument panel.  8-)