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  1. 6

    Complete System Failure In Flight

    Another with the AP disconnect... :-?
  2. 6

    Dynon Static Port installation

    My apologies. I guess I mistakenly thought your picture was of a Cessna style port which is mounted to the exterior of the fuselage/empennage, which is quite a bit different than an interior mounted Dynon style where only the center portion of the port protrudes from the skin with the rest of...
  3. 6

    Dynon Static Port installation

    Not quite the ports he is talking about.  This is how the SafeAir ports will look:
  4. 6

    Dynon Static Port installation

    Yes, mounted inside with the inner portion protruding (or proud) from the skin ever so slightly. I believe these are the Safe Air ports, or similar. I recently mounted the Safe Air ports in my RV-10 and they protrude just a slight amount - 1/16ish if memory serves.
  5. 6

    Corrupt log file?

    Interesting.  I recently had a restart in flight  :o - only time this has happened.  I emailed support about the restart and mentioned the corrupt message.  I was told that there is nothing to do because of the corruption issue - cannot download diagnostic file - but was also told the corruption...
  6. 6

    I am SO sick of the SA app

    Bob did the exact same thing to me over the summer in this thread - extremely rude in my opinion.  Ok to complain if/when you have a problem, but not ok for others when your issues are resolved.  That type of attitude just amazes me.  The bottom line is that the SA DM software is just...
  7. 6

    I am SO sick of the SA app

    Update on all my issues last month. It looks like the software update fixed both of my issues. My update downloaded relatively quickly and without any hiccups this month, and the slow loading approach plates, as well, seems to have been an anomaly from last month's software issues.
  8. 6

    Three 10" touch screens.... or a Garmin GTN?

    Whoa - $1000..???? I pay $350/$375ish for my 430. Not sure what all is available, but I only do the monthly database updates.
  9. 6

    Three 10" touch screens.... or a Garmin GTN?

    They are entiry different panels.  What is your mission VFR or IFR?  If VFR, I wouldn't be looking at any GTN.  If IFR, I couldn't get myself to part with the extra $ for a 750.  I have no idea of the size plane this panel is in, but here is my take on screens.  I love gadgets just like...
  10. 6

    I am SO sick of the SA app

    Sorry for the delay in responding. I appreciate SA and Dynon's input into the thread. I'll add my plate load issue into this thread as I think they were probably related. I wasn't able to download the new version prior to departing on my trip, but I imagine the previous version was what was...
  11. 6

    Longer plate load time.

    Anyone else notice this with the latest update?  After finally getting my charts and plates to update (heard SA just released an update that hopefully has fixed the issue) I noticed this while prepping for several approaches during a two-day CC Sat and Sun.  It isn't taking forever, probably 30...
  12. 6

    I am SO sick of the SA app

    I "DID" say that, Bob.  And yes, maybe it would be a "big clue" if it wouldn't work one month (yes, on WIN 8) and then randomly not work the next.  Again, I'm downloading files, not curing cancer with this program. You know what I find, irksome, Bob?  People that admit to similar previous...
  13. 6

    I am SO sick of the SA app

    No.... It's like Direct TV offering the Fox network, you pay for the subscription, but can only receive the network 4 months out of the year. Direct TV says, "yeah, Fox is sketchy, take it up with them". I can see your argument, IF Dynon didn't advertise this feature, but rather make a...
  14. 6

    I am SO sick of the SA app

    You know, I've really enjoyed dealing with Dynon in the past, but this issue has left a bad taste in my mouth.  I 100% agree with Dave on this one.  It's simply my opinion, Tom, but if a manufacturer uses a third party for a part, feature, etc, the manufacturer has to suffer the problems with...
  15. 6

    I am SO sick of the SA app

    I finally got it working on my wife's computer (Win7). Still no joy on mine (Win8). I thought I had cleared up my issues with a new 3.0 thumb drive, but looks like it is back - and worse than ever in my case. My frustration is that it is totally random when it works and when it does not...
  16. 6

    I am SO sick of the SA app

    I do use the iPad for planning and I have a 430, so sending flight plans directly to the SV does me no good. Besides - I can import a flight plan currently using the thumbdrive. The issue is that I enjoy having charts and plates on my EFIS. As much as I love the iPad for planning, it's junk...
  17. 6

    I am SO sick of the SA app

    Update!!!  I decide go through the pain of deleting and reinstalling all the files and this is what I have now: One step backwards! Seattle Avionics for the win!!!! >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >
  18. 6

    I am SO sick of the SA app

    Well, put me in the camp with issues...AGAIN >:( >:( >:( Thought it was fixed with using the 3.0 USB.  Planning on a CC for vacation on Saturday - GA to ME - so tried loading 17 states.  This took FOREVER, so left it all night.  This morning I'm greeting with the dreaded red/yellow status...
  19. 6

    I am SO sick of the SA app

    +1 on the 3.0. I cursed the existence of SA each month until purchasing a 3.0 drive. I still cringe each month when I have to update. I agree that the program is horrid - feel like I'm working with something from 1996 - but so far monthly updates have been fairly painless (not totally) with...
  20. 6

    SA Data Manager

    I always do this - get the message that I have data ready to be written to my thumbdrive. Made no difference - still painfully slow. So, from the other posts, I bought a 3.0 drive. Did 4 states in about an hour. Much more tolerable than before.