Complete System Failure In Flight


May 3, 2009
Bakersfield, CA
Flew 3.7 hours today with the update in about two equal legs with a refueling stop in between. No freeze ups on either leg although I had one AP disconnect about 24 minutes into my return flight. I have exported a diagnostic file and will upload it. I did my usual button pushing on the Map page and did not have a freeze up or reboot.


Active Member
Aug 22, 2007
Did a short after maintenance hop today with v14.05.3594. AP did not disengage, but I got four spurious audio "caution" alerts (same as with v14).

Will have a long cross country later this week to see how it works.

Dual 10" SkyView (#1352 and #3684)
Dynon radio, transponder, ADS-B receiver, autopilot, EMS, GPS-250 and Knob Panel. GTN-650 for ADS-B out.


I love flying!
May 4, 2012
My dilemma, I have two D700s in a tandem airplane. One is above the 4000 range and the other is below the 4000 range. Should I need to update to 14.05.3594 or not. I am 2020 compliant thru SV.


I have the older SV1000, autopilot, radio & com, transponder and yesterday I flew for 1 hr. autopilot on, 180 deg. turns, changed crs. and hdg. all worked fine. I have the latest ver 14 software.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
If the SV-GPS-2020 is your only GPS receiver, if you downgrade to v13.0.3, unfortunately, the SV-GPS-2020 will stop functioning.

Technical Service Bulletin - SkyView Software 14.0 is as much detail as we can provide to help you make your decision.

My dilemma, I have two D700s in a tandem airplane.  One is above the 4000 range and the other is below the 4000 range.  Should I need to update to 14.05.3594 or not.  I am 2020 compliant thru SV.


I love flying!
May 4, 2012
If the SV-GPS-2020 is your only GPS receiver, if you downgrade to v13.0.3, unfortunately, the SV-GPS-2020 will stop functioning.

Technical Service Bulletin - SkyView Software 14.0 is as much detail as we can provide to help you make your decision.

My dilemma, I have two D700s in a tandem airplane.  One is above the 4000 range and the other is below the 4000 range.  Should I need to update to 14.05.3594 or not.  I am 2020 compliant thru SV.

Seem to have missed my point!  No interest in going backward, only asked the question "should I be installing v14.05.3594 to cover the older unit and if I do what effect might it have on the newer unit?  Have read the TSB and it does not answer my question.


Active Member
Nov 10, 2008
Gods Country - west Texas
The newer unit is not affected by the bug, if it were my airplane I would put the newer serial number in the pilots panel and reserve the older one for the passenger panel. If the passenger panel freezes it will be less of an issue for you, and if you are running the newer software it will reboot automatically on a freeze-up. I would still not fly in IMC with it until the problem is solved.

I'm speaking only for what I would do in this situation - your mileage may vary.

If the SV-GPS-2020 is your only GPS receiver, if you downgrade to v13.0.3, unfortunately, the SV-GPS-2020 will stop functioning.

Technical Service Bulletin - SkyView Software 14.0 is as much detail as we can provide to help you make your decision.

My dilemma, I have two D700s in a tandem airplane.  One is above the 4000 range and the other is below the 4000 range.  Should I need to update to 14.05.3594 or not.  I am 2020 compliant thru SV.

Seem to have missed my point!  No interest in going backward, only asked the question "should I be installing v14.05.3594 to cover the older unit and if I do what effect might it have on the newer unit?  Have read the TSB and it does not answer my question.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
You cannot have different versions of firmware in SkyView displays in the same SkyView system (if that's what you're asking).

If you're updating to a newer version of firmware, or downgrading to an earlier version of firmware, it has to be applied to your entire SkyView system - all displays, all modules.

If you're not interested in downgrading to v13.0.3, then updating your SkyView system to v14.0.5.3594 (the most recent, and this is being typed) is your best option. Restating from (most recent version, as this is being typed) Technical Service Bulletin - SkyView Software 14.0:

Based on the data Dynon has collected to date, it appears that only the following SkyView displays are affected:
SV-D1000 displays with a serial numbers lower than 6000.
SV-D700 displays with serial numbers lower than 4000.

Put another way...
Based on the data Dynon has collected to date, it appears that the following SkyView displays are NOT affected:
SV-D1000 displays with S/N > 6000.
SV-D700s displays with S/N > 4000.

Seem to have missed my point!  No interest in going backward, only asked the question "should I be installing v14.05.3594 to cover the older unit and if I do what effect might it have on the newer unit?  Have read the TSB and it does not answer my question.


I love flying!
May 4, 2012
Thanks Airguy, you're thinking like me. What I was getting at was what effect would v14.05.3594 have on my display with a ser. # above 4000 (which does not need it)? Think I got the answer in a bit of a round about way.
Thanks all!

I love flying!
Sep 7, 2012
Did a short hop on Sunday with v14.05.3594 and had a shutdown of my 10" Skyview (#2248; hardware version 1). Got it back online via buttons 1, 2 and 5. Yesterday I uploaded the DDF and filled out the form using system event 3 (Do not know whether this is the correct description or not). Like Carl I also got some sporious audio alerts during T/O.



I love flying!
Sep 29, 2013
My RV-12's SV 1000 screen has frozen up in-flight twice now.  My AP also has occasionally disconnected without my input.  I am communicating with Dynon as to possible cause.  Never had this problem before V14 so there may be a connection there.  Pushing buttons "1-2-5' together gets the system rebooted and the screen up and working within seconds. 

While with E-LSA you can do what you want once you are flying, I note that Vans only has a Version 13.0.3 of the Skyview software for the RV-12. Given the amount of customization I have seen in the RV-12 Skyview software, not sure I would want to try to reproduce that in generic Skyview software.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
We posted 14.0.5 on the web on Friday. Since then, there have been about 90 downloads of it. To date, we know of two people who experienced a freeze. Unfortunately, we are still not getting to the root cause with the diagnostic files we received but we still want to see them.

For those of you running 14.0.5 (thank you!) if you see the display become unresponsive and you feel comfortable, let it reboot itself. It might take 5-30 seconds depending what kind of freeze it is but only when it reboots does it take a "snap shot" of memory and puts it into the DDF. If you press buttons 1+2+5 to reboot it, it will not take the snap shot. PLEASE do 1+2+5 reboot it if you feel at all uneasy leaving it in the unresponsive state.


I love flying!
Oct 19, 2015
I loaded 14.0.5 on my 2 older (3001 and 3002) Skyview's. A trip over the next 10 days should add approx 22 hours to the hobbs meter. Bringing my computer this time so I can upload the diagnostic logs if necessary.



Apr 6, 2011
I wonder how prevalent the anomalies are, both as a percentage of total users, and how frequent for users? I have two older SV1000, EMS, AP, ADS-B, GPS-250 and XPNDR-261. and have not experienced anomalies...yet. I have a few hours on the original 14 release, a few more on 3563, and will install 3594 before flying again. I also have the GPS-2020 but have not yet installed it.

I figure if my system is susceptible then I want to be running software that's most helpful to the debug effort.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
For those of you that know how troubleshooting software goes, you will be excited as we are that we are able to reproduce the unresponsiveness problem in the lab. We are getting real-time diagnostic information from our debuggers giving us complicated but good information to look at. Reproducing the issue in controlled circumstances is usually the most important milestone in projects like this. Surely, it will lead to increased efficiency of our analysis. Stay tuned.

This break thru eliminates our dependency on gathering DDLs from you folks running 14.0.5 to proceed with our analysis. Having said that, do send DDLs in if you see a System Event 3. We will use that data to be sure our yet-to-be solution fits all of the data to build confidence that we found the problem you are specifically encountering.


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
We appreciate your willingness to help. It was one of your fellow SkyView pilots with the same attitude that finally helped us achieve some real progress in diagnosing this issue.

The best help you can provide us is to check the test firmware page every few days, update your system when we release a new test version of firmware, and if there's a (uncommanded) reboot or System Event error, upload a Dynon Diagnostic File as soon as possible.

We'll also do our part and post here when we do post an updated version of test firmware.

I wonder how prevalent the anomalies are, both as a percentage of total users, and how frequent for users? I have two older SV1000, EMS, AP, ADS-B, GPS-250 and XPNDR-261. and have not experienced anomalies...yet. I have a few hours on the original 14 release, a few more on 3563, and will install 3594 before flying again. I also have the GPS-2020 but have not yet installed it.

I figure if my system is susceptible then I want to be running software that's most helpful to the debug effort.