I am SO sick of the SA app


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2010
Once again, it failed to download all the requested data to my memory stick, and seems hung up on the last state. Multiple "There was a problem downloading XXX to the memory stick/card" messages. And yes, there's plenty of room on the stick.

This is the WORST POS program I've seen in years.  Please, for the love of all things decent and holy, get someone to rewrite this thing so that a) downloads don't take hours and hours, and b) it works *reliably*.

This is the one real weak spot in Dynon's suite of otherwise excellent products.  Yes, I know it's SA, not Dynon, but it's still the only source of chart data we have for SV, so that makes it IMO part and parcel of Dynon's product line.

Guess I'll have to go the route of cleaning the old database info and starting over. GRRRRRR!


Dynon Technical Support
Staff member
Mar 23, 2005
SA has changed and improved the app for the upcoming v13 release. It's faster and more stable. We've cut down the number of files it needs to deal with by about half.

Try this out when we release v13 shortly and tell us how it's working.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2010
I hope to god it works better than this version, because the hours-long downloads and hanging processes are truly a pain in the @ss.


I love flying!
Jan 5, 2013
Tampa Fl
I am with you on the SA issue. Each month I cringe as I seem to have to babysit and tie up a PC for about a half day and that is if everything works correctly.


Just another data point but my downloads have worked reliably since the program was updated 8 or 10 months ago. Since I switched to USB 3.0 thumb drives, the downloads (48 state sectionals and IFR low plus the approach plates and airport diagrams) only take 35 minutes each. Cheap Asus laptop w/windows 8.1 and USB 3.0 port and slowest (cheapest) Time Warner internet connection.


New Member
Dec 8, 2012
Richmond Hill, GA
Just another data point but my downloads have worked reliably since the program was updated 8 or 10 months ago. Since I switched to USB 3.0 thumb drives, the downloads (48 state sectionals and IFR low plus the approach plates and airport diagrams) only take 35 minutes each. Cheap Asus laptop w/windows 8.1 and USB 3.0 port and slowest (cheapest) Time Warner internet connection.

+1 on the 3.0. I cursed the existence of SA each month until purchasing a 3.0 drive. I still cringe each month when I have to update. I agree that the program is horrid - feel like I'm working with something from 1996 - but so far monthly updates have been fairly painless (not totally) with the new thumbdrive.


Active Member
Mar 3, 2008
Even with a USB 3.0 thumb drive it takes me about 2hrs to copy the data for 11 states and I only download Low IFR, Sectionals, Approach Plates and Airport diagrams. I always have to do it twice since at least one section fails to load correctly. I have a Windows 8 PC. The last time I was downloading the data I opened the Task Manager to see how fast the data was downloading. It never got above 3Kb/sec even with a 50MB/sec Xfinity Internet connection.

I called SA to see if they could help but after about 1hr on the phone we determined it was about as best it could be.



I love flying!
Jan 5, 2013
Tampa Fl
Just tried to new version of SA so I can view charts on Version 13 and SA is working much better just need to upgrade to USB3 now. Thanks for this improvment Dynon. :)


Active Member
Aug 22, 2007
Upgraded last month to the 13.0 version. Now it's been two days with the computer running full time to get the latest update from Seattle Avionics. Still no joy. I've cleared the old files and everything else I could think of and still get multiple "“Problem downloading XYZ. Will retry later” status.

I sent a note to Seattle Avionics this morning looking for help - waiting on a reply.

Another bone to pick. Dynon and Garmin have updates available for download a few days before the old ones expires. Seattle Avionics does not have the update available until the day it expires. This is a real PITA when flying cross country.



New Member
Dec 8, 2012
Richmond Hill, GA
Upgraded last month to the 13.0 version.  Now it's been two days with the computer running full time to get the latest update from Seattle Avionics.  Still no joy.  I've cleared the old files and everything else I could think of and still get multiple "“Problem downloading XYZ.  Will retry later” status.

I sent a note to Seattle Avionics this morning looking for help - waiting on a reply.

Another bone to pick.  Dynon and Garmin have updates available for download a few days before the old ones expires.  Seattle Avionics does not have the update available until the day it expires.  This is a real PITA when flying cross country.


Well, put me in the camp with issues...AGAIN :mad: :mad: :mad:

Thought it was fixed with using the 3.0 USB.  Planning on a CC for vacation on Saturday - GA to ME - so tried loading 17 states.  This took FOREVER, so left it all night.  This morning I'm greeting with the dreaded red/yellow status indicator - same "problem downloading xyz"


I left it on all day today during work - same thing.  Last time this happened, I had to go through delete all the files on the thumbdrive and PC fiasco.

I know one thing for sure - big G's system is hard to touch right now (very hard if you've ever seen the G3X and SV screen side by side).  G will 125% be in the panel of my current build if Dynon is still using SA next year at this time.  I have loved the SV, but ever since they introduced charts and SA, I want to take a hammer to my system most months.  People talk about G's subscription costs...I'd pay twice as much as they charge to avoid this bush league program.

One thing I have never had explained - asked SA 'customer service' and the gentleman talked down to me like I was a 4 year old that didn't understand computers - why can my iPad update all the same data in about :15 but SA churns and churns like it's sending a capsule to Mars?  The SA 'customer service' rep is convinced it's my network...  iPad uses the same network, I stream Netflix with no issue, have no other issues with anything other than SA ::) ::) ::)


New Member
Dec 8, 2012
Richmond Hill, GA
Update!!!  I decide go through the pain of deleting and reinstalling all the files and this is what I have now:

One step backwards! Seattle Avionics for the win!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: >


Jul 18, 2010
Clinton, AR
Don't jump ship to the G company. Just get a $75 subscription to Foreflight and pop it on your iPad. Add a $35 wifi hotspot from Dynon and zip flight plans to the panel in a second.

Loading MANY states worth of charts and plates takes perhaps 30 minutes on the iPad... Then it is portable so you can study charts and flight plan away from the airport...


New Member
Dec 8, 2012
Richmond Hill, GA
I do use the iPad for planning and I have a 430, so sending flight plans directly to the SV does me no good. Besides - I can import a flight plan currently using the thumbdrive. The issue is that I enjoy having charts and plates on my EFIS. As much as I love the iPad for planning, it's junk in a sunny cockpit. G's beautiful screen has sucked me in since seeing it side by side other manufacturers last year at OSH. This SA garbage has just sealed the deal. It WILL be my system in my RV-10.


I love flying!
Jan 7, 2012
I'd like to add my data points.

The SA app displays the following messages

"Preparing to install data.  Verifying downloaded files.
Verification OK.  Preparing to copy files.
Update process complete."

even though 'Approach Plates and Airport Diagrams' and 'VFR Sectional Charts' have NOT been updated.

This happens after multiple attempts to upload and with different thumb drives. This is UNACCEPTABLE. We are not getting what we paid for with our subscriptions.

An extension to our subscriptions is in order until this is resolved.


Active Member
Aug 22, 2007
Just sent another note to Seattle Avionics as they have not responded to my note from yesterday. I have the same issue as the others (screen shot attached)


  • Screenshot__1_.png
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Sep 21, 2007
Peoria, AZ
This really sucks that you guys are having so much problems with the Seattle Avionics Chart data software. I have been using it for almost two years and have never had problems like this. I wonder if it is hardware or software or USB stick related. The only suggestion I have is that if this was happening to me, I would totally uninstall the Seattle Avionics software, then manually go in and delete any remaining files/folders from the Program Files subfolders. clean my registry, etc. Then reinstall the program and try using a different USB stick so everything is new. It almost sounds like once you have problems, it is really hard to get rid of them. I have been using the SanDisk Cruzer Fit 2.0 16 Gb stubby USB sticks with no problems. It would be interesting to know what version of windows and what version of USB sticks users who are experiencing problems are using.


I love flying!
Jun 11, 2013
Mukilteo, WA
I have the same issue. I have been playing the email game with them and also calling them on the phone. They never said the they had an issue. after spending hours deleting all files on computer reloading their program and then updating I still have the same problem. (Update balls stay yellow)
As far as it updating faster it takes twice as long to load now when you turn your plane on and it is now going back to the default Dynon map on each power up.


I to have had issues in the past but I must say that this time I left my USB stick in my computer and everything worked fine.  It was automatically updated with all the new info the next morning when I checked my computer!  I was wearing my shocked face when I saw it. This is the first time I have not had an issue, hopefully it is the start of a trend.


New Member
Dec 8, 2012
Richmond Hill, GA
I finally got it working on my wife's computer (Win7). Still no joy on mine (Win8). I thought I had cleared up my issues with a new 3.0 thumb drive, but looks like it is back - and worse than ever in my case. My frustration is that it is totally random when it works and when it does not. Also, this isn't a super complex task for the program to accomplish - something my iPad and iFly 720 do in minutes... EVERY month... flawlessly without fail.