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  1. R

    Open up format for worldwide databases

    To Dynon Support, I am a strong supporter of your products, have 2 x 10" Skyviews in my RV10, 2 x D100 & D120 in RV7, and D180 and D100 in RV12. You seriusly need to look at your functionality and openeness and usefulness of your Mapping Software for $500 price + Jeppesen Mapping Software...
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    Navigation Software and .GPX import

    To Dynon Support, What are the plans to support the upload of user defined flight plans and waypoints from a USB stick? I would plead that you support .GPX (GPS eXchange Format) since it is almost the defacto OPEN standard for exchanging GPS information between different devices, and flight...
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    Transfer flight plans from Jeppesen FliteStar

    Be sure to support the .GPX format since a lot of programs can import/export that open industry format so can a lot of GPS devices. That way you will also support a lot of different flight planning software, instead of any specific brand.
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    New GPS Software

    Good news all around, bring on the new update! Please don't make the update cycles mandotary, but a choice. Here in south africa things typically stay static and only warrants an update occastionally. Mandatory updates just wastes money and make things more expensive than they need to be down...
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    Future Feature List

    Stormscope integration and display for the rest of the world that does not have WX weather.
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    New Page/Screen request for 3.0

    Cool suggestion, one page heath check!
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    Rotating hsi to fly radial?

    Thank you, so if I swap out my SL40 for a SL30 and I buy a HS34 then I would be able to spin the HSI on the D100 like a OBS knob. That mean I will not need a traditional CDI/GS head? Why did you say "in some circumstances?" Regards Rudi PS: Maybe move this thread to the "EFIS General...
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    Rotating hsi to fly radial?

    Thanks Dynon, See below: it is a D100, D120, SL40, GTX 327, AVMAP EKP GPS, TRUtrack AP. Rudi
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    Rotating hsi to fly radial?

    Guys, just started training with a new instructor, not use to efises. He asked me how do you rotate the hsi locked into a vor to the top to fly a radial? I don't undetstand cause I never had to use vor's for navigation before. How does one use the dynon hsi to fly a radial on a VOR? And can it...
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    Map Features - Your Input Requested

    1) Small vertical profile view at bottom of map of current course (Yes the terrain view gives some clue, but it does not show scale of drops or climbs ahead 2) Leader Line (Carrot) Where the aircraft will be in (user configurable time) at current speed. for instance 10 min. Helps with...
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    Sealing Oil Temp Sensor?

    Thank you very Much, it is exactly what I was looking for!
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    Sealing Oil Temp Sensor?

    Gents, I have the standard Dynon probes and the lycoming oil temp sensor is a straight thread (NON taper) compared to the other fluid sensors. How do you seal it oil tight, since the standard pipe lubricant/sealant does not work? Do you use RTV a Copper Gasket or how? Thanks in advance...
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    skyview dirty rf ...testing... resolved.

    Gents, is this still and issue, has the recent skyviews incorporated the filters or are the external ones issues as standard now? Rudi
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    What does a Garmin X96 add to SkyView?

    Good Question I am also listening in...
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    Jeppesen Partnership and World Aviation Databases

    Re: Jeppesen Partnership and World Aviation Databa Thank you for the quick reply. Thanks for the offer to look into a couple of airports for me...Do you have the information for South Africa already, or should I ask a little bit later closer to your anticipated release date? PS: Anyone else...
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    New Skyview Transponder and Traffic

    Thank you for the quick reply! Let me look at the info and let it sink in a bit, do a bit more research and then I might ask another question or 2... Kind Regards Rudi
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    Jeppesen Partnership and World Aviation Databases

    The news release about Jeppesen partnership is fantastic news for non USA customers! As a non USA customer I have 2 questions for Dynon: I am very familiar with the Garmin Aviation GPS database for South Africa. They...
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    New Skyview Transponder and Traffic

    Gents I need a bit education on Transponders and Traffic please! I read the blog about traffic I also searched the web, and read a lot! but I am still confused, so decided to ask here, because I can't get me head wrapped around all the acronyms and standards. I...
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    Customer Support - Future Features

    DITTO and AFFIRM on those 3 + Stormscope integration display for the rest of the world that don't have WX Weather yet. Rudi
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    dirty rf from skyview...

    Well that is good customer service. Was it confirmed it only happens while charging the backup battery? and is quite when running on battery only power? Keep us posted please. Thank you in advance, Kind Regards Rudi