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  1. C

    Data Logging with V4

    I put together one of these data loggers myself as well, and only once got it to save legitimate data. After that, I just got garbage, so I've ditched it and await Dynon's data logging implementation. In another discussion, Dynon indicated data logging won't be in the next release, but will...
  2. C

    Standby Network Error - Connection Fault 4/8

    I had the same error, with a similar routing of my skyview network cables. I had the 4 & 8 pins reversed at the servo, switched them back, and all was good.
  3. C

    Screen froze during flight

    One possibility, if maybe you had taken a screen capture shortly before the lockup...Turns out it'll do this if the USB stick is full (Dynon may have made an adjustment for this in the latest software update, not sure).
  4. C

    VHF Radio Hash noise when Skyview switched on

    The A210 had to go back to Icom for the firmware update...troublesome here in Canada, as the US units need to go back to Icom USA...Icom Canada won't do the update on a US unit.
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    VHF Radio Hash noise when Skyview switched on

    I had to install the filters from Dynon, and get the A210 updated to the latest firmware to make it usable. Now that I've done both of those and added a noise cancelling headset, the radio couldn't be more clear. Chris
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    Skyview 4.0

    In our office, we tried leaving the carcasses of the previous version's bugs dangling over the computer monitor...turns out it just attracts more.
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    EMS Displays on D1000

    Oh, the possibilities! Just 'cuz I'm too lazy to look that "semi documented" in the installation manual? :)
  8. C

    Serial Ports Maxed Out ?

    Port1: VPX Port2: SV Transponder (corrected) ;) Port3T: ELT Port3R: Port4: Aux Com Port (portable GPS/NAV) Port5:SV-GPS-250 Future: Icom A210 <--gonna have to give up the Aux com port I guess or the ELT location. Chris
  9. C

    Output Contact

    I think I'll skip connecting it to the warning lamp output...interesting idea though. Of course, if Vertical Power could add the auto boost feature to the VPX-Sport (the VP400 already has it)...that would work too... ...or I could just remember to turn it off when I don't need it. :D
  10. C

    Screen locks up during screenshot save

    I noticed on a flight on Saturday that the screen (D1000) locks up for a second or two during a screenshot save. It wasn't too big of deal, until my USB stick filled up. Once it was full, the screen locked up until I unplugged the USB stick (it took me 20 to 30 seconds to realize something was...
  11. C

    Output Contact

    Skyview has a number of "future" contact connections...not sure if its even possible with the current hardware, but it'd be neat if these could eventually be setup as output contacts that close based on a setpoint driven from another sensor. For example, when my fuel pressure drops below a...
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    Installed 3.3 yesterday, along with the VPX license, no issues, love it! The only thing I couldn't figure out without the manual was how to get the flap/trim positions from the VPX on to the EMS screens...but now that I've read the manual, I should be able to handle it tonight. Voice alerts are...
  13. C

    Fuel Level at Top of Tank

    lol Yes, Bob's problem is much bigger than mine! :)
  14. C

    Fuel Level at Top of Tank

    In my RV-9A, and probably most aircraft with wing tanks, my fuel level sensor (mounted at the wing root) can't reach the top of the tank (5ft up the wing), so when it reads 15 gallons, there could be anywhere from 15 to 18 gallons in the tank. I've decided I can set the tank capacity to 15...
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    Manifold Pressure does not work on new Skyview

    Here's the link from my post regarding similar issue: There's a bit of of description of what I did the try to isolate the issue in there as well.
  16. C

    Manifold Pressure does not work on new Skyview

    I had a similar issue with my MP, replaced the sensor and it worked perfectly. You might just check you're getting 5v across the power wires(I think its pins A and C, but check).
  17. C

    Transponder stopped working

    Oh, here's a little tidbit that might help...I moved the transponder from serial port 1 to 2. (ref case #75031)
  18. C

    Transponder stopped working

    Talked to Tech Support...switched xpndr to a different serial port, problem solved. I'll report this back to Dynon Tech Support. :D
  19. C

    Transponder stopped working

    Hi, My SV-XPNDR-261 was functioning perfectly...and then one day not (getting red X). Its worked again briefly since the first time it failed, but not since. I've checked the following: - power & ground at transonder - continuity in comm tx & rx lines - continuity in jumpers - pin alignment/bent...
  20. C

    Skyview telephone interface

    Something else that comes to mind is streamed data output to USB...and maybe an iPhone app to retrieve it. This might help with some of the people that are running out of serial ports (like me). ;)