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  1. D

    Dynon SV/ Garmin GTN-650/ Dynon Comm/ Dynon ADS-B

    Carl would you be so kind as to elaborate??? >Yep - your choices are to load the flight plans on the GTN-650 data card or just fat finger them in. What is this data card you speak (type) of??? Is it a Garmin data card? >I just input them after engine start from my iPad (using...
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    What Could Cause CHT Blips

    arpb says>mine were corrected with inline suppression of some type supplied by Dynon, between the efis and the d connectors Would you please be so kind as to elaborate??? What is inline suppression?
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    Turbocharger IntercoolOutlet Temperature Indicator

    Did you by chance have the time to check with the other folks in the office about this question? I need to make a purchase decision. THANKS!!!!
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    What Could Cause CHT Blips

    Thanks for the information. It seems unrealistic for all EGT probes (less one) to be all bad because they spike at the exact same time and the spikes are intermittent..with no fuel flow or MAP delta. The D sub could cause this... I'll look into it. Any help one else have this problem?
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    What Could Cause CHT Blips

    I was reviewing the SAVVY data and noticed that mostly the CHT readings are stable however fairly often in an unpredictable pattern 5 of the 6 CHT indications "blip" up for a few spikes and then go back to their normal and expected values. During these blips there was no change in MAP, FF, IAS...
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    Adding Second Dynon SV-100

    THANKS MTH, >First thing is to add a Ethernet cable connected to both screens as the EMS & some other data will seamlessly transfer. I have the cable...when I turn it on hopefully the magic will happen. ># 2 D1000 - make sure you configure the serial ports same as #1 & the software vers is...
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    SV Product Suggestion

    Hopefully this is already out there and someone will tell me. I wish Dynon had PC based software where a guy (me) could run the setup wizzard and assign the pins and even design the SV presentation (screen layouts) from home and then zap the data to the USB and then plug it into the airplane...
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    Turbocharger IntercoolOutlet Temperature Indicator

    Hi All, I would like to monitor the outlet temp of the turbocharger intercooler. That temperature can be anywhere from zero degrees F to 350 F. The only EMS pins I have left are 19/20 and 36/37. Does anyone have a recommendation for the temperature sender for this application? Should I go...
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    Dynon SV/ Garmin GTN-650/ Dynon Comm/ Dynon ADS-B

    I bought the SV WIFI adapter and found the connectivity super easy and it is fun to fly an airplane with an iPad. The whole integration with a GTN650 is kinda confusing. The way I understand it (please correct me) is that the SV GPS is telling the SV where it is and then the SV pulls up the...
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    CHT/EGT Wire Connectors

    Many of my EGT and CHT readings were erratic. When I called Tech Support they told me to not use the "Spade" type connectors and to instead use barrel connectors (looks like a brown barrel that has an Allen bolt on the side where each thermocouple wire is stuck in from either side and the wires...
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    Dynon SV/ Garmin GTN-650/ Dynon Comm/ Dynon ADS-B

    I have done a remodel of my instrument panel and have offloaded a bunch of old boat anchor equipment (GX-60, SL-90, SL-30, SL-40) and now the panel will be equipped with two SV-1000 screens, a SL-15 Audio Panel, a GTN-650, Dynon Comm radio, Dynon transponder, and Dynon ADS-B., and ForeFlight...
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    Adding Second Dynon SV-100

    I am adding a second Dynon SV-1000 to an existing SV-1000 plus AME 221 system in a flying aircraft. What will happen when I flip the switch on with respect to existing SV-1000 and the new one? With they fight over who will be the master? What will happen to my existing data such as logged...
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    Transponder and ADS-B Antenna Ground Plane Questio

    Thanks all! Home Depot sells some 24 inch by 12 inch very thin aluminum sheets for just 10 bucks each. I will cut some to the dimensions indicated in the dynon manual and I will Mount them flat on the floorboard of the airplane and mount the monopole antenna bass directly to the groundplane...
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    Transponder and ADS-B Antenna Ground Plane Questio

    Can someone please provide some advice on what I should do with respect to mounting my transponder and ADS-B antennae? I’ve read the forum post on the Jim Weir EAA article and the Skyview installation manual. I have a flying Velocity that I am doing a complete rewire because I am installing a...
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    ME CS-6AB Current Sensor Better Than Shunt

    Hi Cyber-Dynon Friends, I am rewiring a Velocity with a new Dynon SkyView system. Naturally in search for the cheapest deal I spent 20 hours online just to save $1.50. I was looking for a CS-02 Grand Rapids Hall Effect Device to sense the amperage from my SD-20 when I stumbled upon this baby...
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    Starter Engaged "Light"

    Thanks for asking...I wish I could tap into all of the other questions asked so that I can hear what other questions I should be asking!?!?!? Great minds think alike!!! When driving a pusher it is especially important because a grenaded starter is bad news...
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    I am upgrading my panel to a GTN-650, two SV1000, Dynon radio, Dynon autopilot, and Dynon transponder. Considering that the Garmin is also an ADS-B do I also need the Dynon ADS-B or can I cut costs and run with just the Garmin? I want the traffic and would prefer if it was on the SV-1000...
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    I am upgrading my panel to a GTN-650, two SV1000, Dynon radio, Dynon autopilot, and Dynon transponder. Considering that the Garmin is also an ADS-B do I also need the Dynon ADS-B or can I cut costs and run with just the Garmin? I want the traffic and would prefer if it was on the SV-1000...
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    RPM Check Dual Lightspeeds

    >I notice you mention pins 32/33 which are our high voltage inputs. I believe the lightpseeds put out a low-ish voltage. Have you tried 34/35 which are meant for digital ignitions instead of mechanical mags? If one (me) is running digital ignition systems and each is connected to pins...