I would like the configuration screen to allow the user to optionally specify another tone schedule for the aural AOA tone. Just like the config settings allow for specifying various bands for the on-screen engine sensor displays. for example,
1. Below x% of stall: Silent (No-tone)
2. Between x% and y% of stall: below gradually increasing as AOA increases Pulse Repetition Frequency (PRF), from 1.5 Pulses per second (PPS) to 8.2 PPS), 900 Hz tone
3. Between y% and z%: , solid (continuous) 900 Hz tone tone
4. Above z% of stall: very high PRF (~5 pulse/sec) 1600 Hz tone
Where the percentages can be set in configuration as is currently possible in Skyview version 15 ...
The example above is drawn from the design and operation of the AOA tone schedule in the F-4C/D/E Phantom, and as anyone who flew this jet can tell you, it made an enormous difference, not just for avoiding the stall, but for flying the aircraft (irrespective of airspeed, gross weight, bank angle etc.) at the optimum AOA for what you were doing, without monitoring instruments. Flying approaches was especially affected. You could fly an overhead traffic pattern, using a wide range of airspeeds, configurations, at any gross weight, and using whatever bank angles were needed in the turns, without looking inside the cockpit at the airspeed indicator. You just needed to monitor the aural AOA tone and keep it on the steady tone that was set to optimum approach AOA. This allowed you to maintain more continuous visual contact with the runway environment and other aircraft in the airport traffic pattern than would be possible if checking airspeed every few seconds.
Trying to use the existing (Skyview version 15) AOA schedule to do this (without looking inside the cockpit), is helpful, (better than nothing), but not optimal, because I have to set the threshold between the beeping and the continuous tone at the AOA I want to maintain for approaches, and then I need to adjust trim/back stick pressure to maintain the tone on this threshold.. i.e., I need to continually oscillate stick pressure so I am hearing the beeping, and the steady tone, switching back and forth, to know I am at the AOA where the transition occurs.