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  1. GalinHdz

    Skyview Wish List

    That is irrelevant. Remember, "Nothing happens, until something happens". So proceed at your own risk but don't complain when "something happens". :cool:
  2. GalinHdz

    SV-OAT-340 wiring question

    In aviation applications, soldering wires is not recommended. Crimping is. Soldering changes the small portion of the wire from braided to solid and makes the joint subject to breaking due to aircraft vibrations. If you must solder, then you need to have some kind of mechanical bracing before...
  3. GalinHdz

    GPS 2020 problems?

    <Emphasis added> ;)
  4. GalinHdz

    GPS 2020 problems?

    FWIW, these are NOT just antennas but basically "remote GPS receivers". They combine the antenna with a pre-amplifier, sometimes an IF converter and a digital data circuit. A lot more happening in those GPS "pucks" than just a wire antenna. :cool:
  5. GalinHdz

    PFD Shows me on the runway, but not the map

    If this has just started happening then you should call DYNON Support, talk to them and see what they can come up with. :cool:
  6. GalinHdz

    PFD Shows me on the runway, but not the map

    FWIW; GPS receivers built before 2018 have a maximum accuracy of no more than16ft each way. This means at even best case scenario it can be 32ft off. Now this gets multiplied by map and display error. The smaller the total map area the better the display accuracy will be, regardless of how much...
  7. GalinHdz

    ADSB Problems...need help

    Adding to what airguy posted, if you use the G430W then it must have software version 5.0 or higher and it must be connected directly to the DYNON SV-XPNDR-261 transponder via a 1.2Kohm resistor. :cool:
  8. GalinHdz

    how to connect fltplan go to drx

    For ADS-B data and georeferenced maps/plates/charts you first connect your tablet to the SkyView WIFI Then on the FltPlanGo App side panel go to EXTERNAL > CUSTOM UNIT > PORT 4000 Enter your tail number in the ADS-B section of your MAP page or you will get traffic alerts on your own airplane...
  9. GalinHdz

    No NAV displayed on HSI/Bearing pointers

    Sounds like a configuration problem. I would suggest you call DYNON support and have them walk you through it. Even with more information on your particular setup it would probably take lots of back-n-forth posts which can be avoided with a phone call. :cool:
  10. GalinHdz

    Question and suggestion. Calibrating ADAHRS

    Great news. When you get a chance, verify your altitude display. With a correct static port installation the displayed altitude should be very accurate. Again, DO NOT USE GPS ALTITUDE FOR THIS VERIFICATION. :cool:
  11. GalinHdz

    DUAL Classic display EMS not showing when one display is off

    ^^^^^ DO THIS ^^^^^ :cool:
  12. GalinHdz

    IFR Approaches solely using the Dynon SkyView?

    Depending on how your system is set up and configured there are several ways you can do this. In my case (SkyView with ARINC429 & G430W) I press the CDI button on the 430W which changes the "source" being displayed on my SkyView HSI from GPS to VLOC. The SkyView HSI "needle" color changes from...
  13. GalinHdz

    IFR Approaches solely using the Dynon SkyView?

    Expanding on what DBRV10 posted, you can select the approach on the G530W (Certified Navigator) while displaying the information on the HSI of your SkyView PFD screen. You can use the Seattle Avionics chart for "situational awareness" but you must still navigate using the G530W information. :cool:
  14. GalinHdz

    One CHT reads high

    You use it to connect the EGT Probe wire to the SkyView EMS wire. :cool:
  15. GalinHdz

    One CHT reads high

    These are great but make sure you have, or buy, a 3/64th "Allen" Key with your order. These are not normally found at local hardware stores. FWIW I wound up ordering 5 of them at .19/ea to justify the shipping charge. :cool:
  16. GalinHdz

    Question and suggestion. Calibrating ADAHRS

    How did you come up with the 6.3Kt error? You have to be super accurate in your flight testing procedures since this will greatly affect your results which can be deadly. The "gold standard" is to fly three legs, about 120 degrees apart without changing altitude or engine power settings during...
  17. GalinHdz

    Question and suggestion. Calibrating ADAHRS

    Having a big airspeed error when you first fly with a new EFIS is not that uncommon, especially with an experimental airplane. It happened to me so BTDT! Unfortunately it just takes time to get it correct. The Good thing is that it is rarely the EFIS' fault. BTW, for these tests I recommend you...
  18. GalinHdz

    Question and suggestion. Calibrating ADAHRS

    Problem 2 - When the airplane is completely level in pitch and roll ON THE GROUND, then you level the ADAHRS by shimming it until it is very close to perfectly level. If close to correct, the "ball" should be in the middle between the two lines. If not then something is wrong. After the...
  19. GalinHdz

    Determining static position error

    I had this exact issue with my instal back in 2013 and got it corrected. If you go to the maintenance section of my webpage ( ) you can download a .pdf file (SkyView TAS Calibration) of how I figured it out and fixed the issue. It is actually quite simple to do. BTW...
  20. GalinHdz


    Or a CD based simulator? Actually, ANY simulator would be so helpful. ;)